During the Lockdown of Covid-19 in 2020 I decided that each time I went for a walk I would take photos of the wildlife and nature that I saw. Each entry will display what was seen on the walk that day along with the emotions I was feeling from being in the fresh air.
Today was another trip to our local patch. The woods are now full of wild garlic which we are tempted to pick to make our own garlic pesto. Blossom trees are startling to bloom all around us filling the view with colour. Dandelions being one of the first to flower in spring is already seeding to make way for next years crop. The dandelion clocks are great fun and remind me of my childhood when we would use them to 'tell the time,' even today I still help them to disperse their seeds. A gentle breeze was in the air which combined with the sun's warmth made for a lovely temperature for our walk. I hope everyone is staying safe and not going to crazy, just remember to get some fresh air and go and see some birds.
Today we went for a walk around College Reservoir for a change of scenery to the woods. Lots of swans were swimming around with a few looking like they will be breeding soon, the great crested grebes are starting the water ballet that they do to court. The air around us was filled with the smell of coconut and the sounds of all the birds around us. With the most notable being the chiffchaffs, the wrens and the great tits. The lake is the clearest we have ever seen making it easy to see lots of little fish swimming around, when we were heading back we spotted a much larger fish which we believe to be a pike. It is a much needed break being outside having not the left the house the past few days. As always it was lovely to feel the sun radiating down onto our faces.
Today was by far the longest walk we have done yet since this lockdown started and it is probably the longest walk we will do. To start the walk we rescued a slow-worm that was headed for the road. After a short handling and photo session he was placed on the opposite side of the road in the grass where the sun was shining. It was the second slow-worm I have ever seen and the first one that I have ever held. The we ventured off to Swanpool nature reserve nearly getting lost in the process as we have never walked to it from our house. It was glorious to sit on a bench and enjoy the sun as it radiated down on us as we watched the birds on the water. We decided to walk a different way home to make the walk a loop so we headed from Swapool around to Gylly Beach and then into town. That was a surreal experience. Town was deserted, a sunny weekend and there was barely anyone on the high street. At least this means people are listening to the lockdown. From here we followed the waters edge round to Penryn and back up to the house. I'm so glad we decided to do this walk today with the sun being out and it was lovely to breathe in the sea air, relax and enjoy some birdwatching. I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine as best as they can, during this situation and long may it last.
We ventured to our local patch again today where the birds and the bees are out in full force as we head further into Spring. Lots of flowers are emerging to brighten our days and make the world around us more colourful. If you listen carefully in the video bellow you can hear a chiffchaff chirping away and enjoying the warm weather. Having not left the house yesterday it was lovely to get outside today and breathe in some fresh air.
Today marks a day since the Nation wide lockdown was announced and I decided to take on this project. Over the last 7 days we have taken 5 daily walks, all of which have helped me to relax my mind and get away from all the troubles of the world. Over the last week my plan of action has changed. My Graduation has been postponed and will no longer happen in the summer, my uni has closed and moved online and my final year project was brought to a grinding halt. Being out in nature has helped me to cope with this current reality and has helped to stop me from going crazy from being cooped up inside.
Today was a welly walk kind of day. There is a stream which runs though the valley and today was paddle day, wanting to immerse myself truly a paddle was needed to feel the cold water sweeping over my boots. Once again the air around us was full of birdsong making it a thoroughly relaxing environment. A slightly different walk to the previous day, we headed higher through the valley away from the viaduct. Eventually we hit a road which looped back down towards the house and put us at a higher level than the viaduct.
Today we explored somewhere new, somewhere we had never been despite the fact that it is right on our doorstep. We headed up to and past the Penryn Viaduct. Lots of butterflies were flying around and there were lots of coal tits and blue tits feasting on the catkins as well as collecting them for nest material. Since returning from this walk I have decide is my favourite of the local walks that surrounds our house and will definitely be one visited again soon, especially since it is so close to home.
Our second adventure of lockdown saw us walk part way round Penryn Estuary. Once again the sun was in full view with no clouds in sight. More and more flowers are starting to bloom and there were some butterflies flying around. There was a gentle breeze which allowed one to clear their mind and just enjoy being outside.
For our first lockdown walk we ventured to College Reservoir, the nearest nature reserve to our Cornish home. Whilst we were there we heard our first Chiffchaff of the year which truly goes to show that Spring is well on its way. It was amazing to be outside in the fresh air especially with the glorious weather that we have today and to soak up some sun.